Oakland County Competitive Robotics Association

OCCRA provides a robotics challenge every year to give FRC teams something to do during their offseason. OCCRA creates a game for the teams similar to FRC, but less complicated. To compete in these games, students are tasked with building a robot capable of playing the given game to the best of their ability. Unlike FRC, OCCRA is completely student-driven; mentors cannot directly work on the robot and may only provide guidance.

Students must work as a team using their knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering, CAD design, and programming to design and build their robots. Each year OCCRA gives a new objective for teams, like FRC, to compete in so each year students can learn practical knowledge of mechanics, engineering, programming, and physics every year in a new, fun way. Walled Lake Robotics 308 and 7178 both participate in OCCRA every year, along with various other FRC teams in Oakland County.

OCCRA 20th Anniversary